Pursuit Give
We pursue to be a platform where needs are met, and resources are effectively distributed. We pursue to be a bridge between the individuals in our communities who are in need of help, and to partners like you who wants to extend a help.
Contact us if you want to know more. We would love to hear and partner with you.
Fundraise For Us
We can’t do this alone. We understand and honour every help we can get as we extend help to our communities. If you or your family or your friends or your organizations want to fundraise for us, please let us know how we can partner with you.
If you are donating, please let us know who you are by filling up the form, and click and follow the “Donate” button.
Thank you
Contact Info
23021 Abernethy Lane, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 0S6
BC Society Number: S0072660